Cybercrime, or computer-oriented crime, is a crime that involves a computer and a network. In any case, it may not be so basic. There are far more concerns than just basic financial ones.  Cybercrime keeps on advancing, with new dangers surfacing each year.

At the point when you hear and read about the scope of cybercrimes out there, you might be tempted to stop using the internet entirely. That’s probably too drastic. Rather, it’s a smart thought to realize how to perceive cybercrime, which can be simply the initial step to ensuring  your information.

Read more: Pandemic and cyber security

You should figure out how to forestall cybercrime. Technology has indefinite advantages, but it also has disadvantages that have a threatening impact on many users.

WhatsApp is one the popular text and voice messaging app that launched in 2009. It’s become incredibly popular since then, because of its features and flexibility. As a free service, WhatsApp allows for messages and calls on both desktop and mobile devices.

In this blog , we discuss the  simple steps to avoid harassment on WhatsApp  which is  most used messaging application with over  billions active users.

1. Avoid calls and messages from unknown numbers

We receive various messages and a call from unknown numbers .It is best to avoid those messages and calls, especially if it’s a suspicious link, or a call from a suspicious number.

2. Worldwide calls

We should always check the country code when receiving a whatsapp call from unknown number.

3. Beware of Selfie camera while operating Whatsapp :

Always keep the selfie camera setting turned off if you receive a video call from unknown number.

4. Avoid to join unknown groups

We are all added to an unknown WhatsApp group once in a while. It is best to leave the group as soon as possible.

5. Protection settings

The alternatives in the protection settings permit Users to make their profile totally private. Users can decide to make their profile picture, status and last observed obvious to everybody, contacts just or to no one.  It is best to choose the ‘contacts only’ option.

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