In India Education sector is growing very fastly. In the Ancient India Education has been given by Acharaya in Gurukul. It is a great part of education. Now we are live living in digital &Modernization era. Computer education has a vital role play in our teaching-learning process. Now a days we are facing many problems related COVID-19.  Corona virus is that during the global COVID-19 Pandemic interruptions to education can have long term.Covid-19 continuous to spread in all over the world & we have facing many problems with respect to education, health& economy. The Covid-19 Pandemic quick led to the close of colleges in all over the world& Public health officials have taken the action for social distancing .As We Know the Covid-19 Pandemic can be controlled by social distancing but in our School Education face to face Education has a important role. In these circumstances we have a need of E-Learning Education & it is need of the day .India is a second largest Populated country in the world. Number of Infected cases is increasing day by day. It is a challenge for our country. So we should accept this challenge as a academician in our education system.

Read more:  Impact of Covid-19 On Teaching Learning Process

Role of E- learning:  E-learning education is playing a great role in teaching-learning Process .As we know now a days we are facing many problem related-19. E-learning has developed too much online plate form. E-learning education role play as video lecture, virtual classes with innovative teaching method. The virtual classes being offered online platform in present scenario. So this is opportunity to become more efficient ,confident &Improve yourself. So it is a great boon &we have much need researches on innovative teaching methods. With innovative technology we can able to create other plate form of online education as Google class room. E-learning education is innovative education, Technical& connected with good content. E-learning has been introduced as a tool in the online education in our educational field.

What is E-Learning:- The term “E-learning” is defined “any learning that relates with Internet”. E-learning has grow in significance as an educational tool in our educational system. Our education has developed and progressed with ICT. The 21st century has seen effective progress with Internet& On line Education.

Benefits of E-Learning:-

1. 24 hours availability (any where, any time)
2. Explanation with video lecture, animation ,blogs.
3. Low cost & save money :It saves money.
4. The learners can get fast knowledge & Provide their response.
5. Each individual learners can access at his convenient pace.
6.E-Learning education Provides education in remote area.

Future of E-Learning: E  Learning support use of Information & Communication Technology. E-learners concept based as anywhere any time learning content, using video, audio, text &animations. A lot of effort is being put into improve the quality of learning between teaching learning Process. India has a major role to play in the E-learning education & IT Sectors. The Presence of world class education infrastructure & training  professionals enables with E-Learning services in the World. Many Government &Private Universities have taken many E-Learning Initiatives. India has also developed on open universities Education to encourage the distance education. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU ) is the Pioneer & quality education platform Provides the education.

Conclusion: E-learning Education is rapidly growing & solve the many problems of education sector. So we should  accept these problems  related  Covid-19. So It is a great Opportunities to present herself with digital education. So at the end  we can say It is not a problem it is  a challenge for success of our education system.

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