BCA is a bachelor degree computer course which can be further proceeded by MCA. MCA is the best in option if you have completed BCA. There are so many short term courses available to pursue after completion of BCA course. Number of short term courses / regular courses are offered to the BCA pass out students but a question is always arises in mind that what course should I choose after Bachelor Of Computer Applications.

Short Term Courses / Regular Courses

In present scenario, the large number of the program are offered related to IT or computer fields. They are different from their course structure, time duration like short term/full-term / regular as well private so candidates have a choice to choose any of them. MCA (Master of Computer Application), MCM (Masters in Computer Management) and PGDCA (Postgraduate Diploma in Computer Applications) are the best computer courses after Bachelor of Computer Applications.

You can go to web development courses. Nowadays, the web development course has very scope in the market. You can also apply for animation courses in 2D or 3D. You can go for CADD if you want graphics.

There are many other short duration courses available for BCA students such as .Net, Java, MySQL, Oracle, VB, SAP, RHCE, CISCO, AIX, Web development. All these courses is of duration around 3-6 months. These courses are highly demanding in any multinational company.


The craze to go for animation courses is sky high these days.

Many students opt for part-time courses like this while pursuing their B.Sc, B.A or B.Tech degree.

The course duration varies from 6 months to 1 year. You can do your specialization in the following fields:-

• Web designing
• Image Magic
• Media Publishing
• Digital Fx
• 2D Animation
• 3D Animation with Maya
• Web Graphics
• Digital Graphics & Animation

Best Courses after BCA

After completing your Bachelor of Computer Applications degree there are various short term and regular courses that a student can choose as per interest. All these programs are available in private as well as a regular degree, so here is the computer course list…

 M.Sc. (IT)
 MBA (IT)
 G-CAT Mater
 Diploma in Mass Communication

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