BCA is an acronym for “Bachelors in Computer Application”. BCA is a three years undergraduate degree course generally for students who wish to delve into the world of Computer languages.


Course Structure: The course structure is quite similar to the traditional B.Sc. program. The three years’ duration is divided into 6 semesters, each lasting a period of 6 months. During each semester, students have to face different sets of written exams as well as practical and lab sessions. 


The subject in BCA: In BCA, you will learn about some interesting subjects like Mathematics, Computer Networks, Data structures, Computer Programming, Computer Networking, Database Management Systems and, Software Engineering, etc.. Besides the core compulsory subjects prescribed according to the universities, the students can choose from a wide variety of additional value-added courses also, which will enhance the technical skills.


Higher Education after BCA: For a BCA aspirant, this degree would help in setting up a sound academic base for an advanced career in Computer Applications. After completing BCA course the aspirant can go for Higher Education – Pursuing Master of Computer Application (MCA) after BCA adds to your computer and programming skills and with MCA, you can get an even better salary package.


I.T Sector is one of the major employment providers in India and is expected to grow more in the coming years. This Course offers loads of opportunities for students who are always ready to learn and are not afraid to work hard. The Bachelors in Computer Application (BCA) trains students in developing, programming, networking, computer and mobile software, app development, etc. If you’re talented and developed good skills then, your 3-year BCA degree can stand at par with a 4-year B.Tech degree. 


The BCA graduates have a good scope in jobs for the post of a Web Developer, Web Designer, Network Administrator, System Manager, Computer Programmer, Database Management professional, Software Developer, Information Security professional, Software Engineer, Software Tester, etc depending on the skills you acquire during your BCA. Various companies, organizations, and MNCs offer the above-mentioned jobs to BCA candidates.


There is no doubt that BCA is one of the best educational courses that one can go for and there are ample amount of opportunities for students studying BCA in the future.

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