1. Send Notice

The aggrieved party should sent a notice to the opposite party who provided the goods or the services. The notice states that the plaintiff intends to sue the defendant and to provide information about defects in the goods or deficiency of service or any unfair practice. This notice of redressal of grievances is a try to solve the dispute without going to the forum; it means that the service provider is willing to pay compensation or any other remedy.

2. Draft the Consumer Complaint

If the service provider is not ready to pay compensation or any other remedy, then next procedure is to file a Consumer complaint under the Consumer Protection Act.  An advocate does not require to file the Complaint. It can be filed by the aggrieved person. The following details must be provided in the complaint-

  • (a) Name, description and the address of the complainant(s) and the Opposite Party(s).
  • (b) Cause of Action, the approximate date, time and venue.
  • (c) Relevant facts relating to the cause of action.
  • (d) The Relief or Remedy claimed by the complainant in accordance with the facts of the case.
  • (e) Signature and Verification by the complainant or his authorized agent.

 3. Attach Relevant Documents

Copies of all relevant documents should be attached which support complainant case in Consumer Court. These documents are:

  • (a) A copy of the bill, receipt of delivery, packaging of a product, a record of online booking of the goods bought
  • (b) Warranty/Guarantee certificates
  • (c) A copy of the written complaint and notice sent to the manufacturer/seller

4. Appropriate Forum  

Next procedure is to search the appropriate forum for filing the complaint as per the pecuniary jurisdiction which is estimated in reference to the total value of goods and services bought or availed and the amount of compensation sought.

 5. Pay Court Fees

The prescribed fee must be paid along with the complaint filed on the basis of the forum. The court fee depends on the value of the goods purchased and the amount of compensation.

6. Submit an Affidavit

A person who wants to file a complaint in the Consumer Court is also required to file an affidavit in the court. The affidavit should state that the facts and statements submitted by the complainant are true to their knowledge.

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