In which cases legal notice can be sent

Legal Notice is filed in Civil Cases only. In Criminal Cases, the State itself issues warrant in case of a criminal offence. Legal Notice can be sent in following cases:

  1. Personal Disputes: legal notice can be sent in following personal cases-
    1. Restitution of Conjugal Rights, Divorce
    2. Custody of the Child
    3. Maintenance
  2. Consumer Cases
  3. Disputes related to Property:  The common cases of Property are:
    1. Partition between Family
    2. Builder’s Delaying to give possession of the property
    3. Eviction of the tenant
  4. Complaints against the Employer by Employee: Employees have power to send notice to their employers in following cases-
    1. Non-Payment of Salary
    2. Sexual harassment
    3. Wrongful termination
    4. Abuse of power
  5. Complaints against the Employee by employer: The employers is also empowered to send notice to the employees in these cases
    1. Infringement of the terms and conditions of the agreement of the employment
    2. Complaint of sexual harassment
    3. Violation of any policies of the company
  6. Cheque Bounce (Under Section 138 of The Negotiable Instruments Act)

How to Reply of Legal Notice

You are advised to reply a legal notice in the prescribed time.  If you will not reply to the notice, it can give benefit to the sender. One should keep following things in mind while receiving a legal notice-

1) Read it carefully

2) Contact with Lawyer

3) Brief him about the issue

4) Send the reply

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