As the above topic itself gave you the idea of the next few lines of mine, I am going to share a few positive words and will try to encourage your positive spirit in order to live a happier life ahead. Whenever we hear about the importance of positive thinking, we can feel that the more our thoughts are positive, our life automatically become positive.

However, it is a practical experience of almost all of us that sometimes it becomes impossible for us to allow in our life something we feel that we don’t deserve. In that case people find a way to destroy themselves if they ever do attract to that thing in their life.

The problem is that only the positive thinking is not enough to remain positive in life in actual sense. We may feel  really  bitter about things that have happened to us in our past. We become angry sometimes, sometimes we feel ashamed, or guilty and to overcome from these negativities is not an easy task I must say.

My personal experience, make me realize that I should share this with you all that FORGIVENESS is a very strong pill to keep yourself happy. By forgiving you can set yourself free and can achieve more piece of mind, better relations and happier life. And believe me that if you are going to follow this principle of forgiveness then you are going to get the best things in life ahead.

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