The issues of environmental ethics are momentous, live and forced; that is to say, these issues involve moral choice of enormous importance that humans can make. Human’s moral responsibility to nature and to the future is of unprecedented significance and urgency, and it is a responsibility that cannot be escaped .One of the most serious problems with the environmental movement today is that its moral position is badly articulated and defended. Environmental ethics includes issues as:

  • If only people “matter” here why care about nature “for itself ”
  • When landscapes or species and wilderness areas what, of value to mankind  if they are destroyed,
  • Do human beings have a need for nature that implies an obligation to preserve it? What is the evidence for this?
  • What we have “taken from environment, will future generations can “miss” it ?
  • What are the ultimate grounds of an affirmation to protect the environment? Are they rational? Irrational
  • Does future generation have a “right” to avail a clean and natural environment when their time comes?
  • Do the facts of environmental science have moral implications?
  • Are human beings mentally and psychologically capable of caring for future generations and nature?

 Possible Solutions for Issues:

Five different approaches are there for managing environmental issues.

  • Managing environmental regulations. This includes investing in environment protection and forcing other firms to make similar investments.
  • Investing in environment friendly processes or products.
  • Investing in environment performance improvement, without increasing costs.
  • Combining all the three methods mentioned above to change the basis for competition and re-define the market so that both the firm and the environment can benefit.
  • Looking at environmental issues from a risk management perspective. This involves putting in place system and process to prevent or minimize the possibilities of accidents and dealing with them effectively when they occur.

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