Let us just once see the innocent faces of these children. Every three seconds, a child becomes a victim of marriage. You all might get shocked that how do I know about that so deeply. Coming from the village background I saw various circumstances which support these lines that really this data is correct. 

However, I was lucky enough to be a daughter of an open-minded Airmen (one who served in Airforce). But yes, it is true that above data is correct that in every three seconds, a child becomes the victim. Few days back don’t know why but I got anxious about this topic and then, on internet I saw a word CAMPAIGN PARTNER, and when I saw it the inner heading was ‘Girls not bride’, it attracted me and taken back my soul to those days when one of my common friend was forced to get married in the age of just 14. So, today almost all of us know the law against this and that is why I would not go far stating to stop this culture, here I am using this word culture because few parents marry their child because it was a culture adopted by their forefathers. But I would definitely request all those who are reading this emotional blog of mine, to spread awareness on their own level against child marriage. Because sometimes we are able to make a change but we just don’t do it thinking that ‘WHY ME’?

But this is the demand of modern and educated society to be ready for helping those children who really are not aware of ‘M’ of marriage. Hoping for the support of everyone and thanking all in anticipation.

Child marriage

Child marriage
95 100 0 1
Let us just once see the innocent faces of these children. Every three seconds, a child becomes a victim of marriage. You all might get shocked that how do I know about that so deeply. Coming from the village background I saw various circumstances which support these lines that really this data is correct.
Total Score
  • Ms. Neeraj Nagar
    95/100 The best

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